Friday, December 25, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Santa's Village

We had gorgeous weather to venture out to Santa's Village on Sunday night, so we each took a kiddo and headed out. No visit to this Santa, but instead Claire did go to the petting zoo and some of the houses that didn't have too long of a line. : )

Monday, December 14, 2009

Claire's Reindeer

The Arboretum has a reindeer on the wknds this holiday season. With our warmest day of December-- something in the 70s-- we clamored out there. Claire was so in love with this creature! She first wanted to ride it, feed it, and pet it. Unfortunately, none of those activities were allowed.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Twins Meet Santa!

At our Twins Club Christmas party, the twins (and Claire) got to meet Santa. I overheard Asher and Avery telling Santa that they wanted a kitten for Christmas...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Favorite Things...

That People Ask/Say in Public to MoMs (Mothers of Multiples)

- "Are they twins?"

- "Are they all yours?"

- "I'm so glad I didn't have twins."

- "How far apart are they? ... Oooh."

- "God bless you."

- "Are they natural?"

- "You really have your hands full!"

The list will continue to grow as I emerge more in the public eye. It's always interesting.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Let it Snow!

Who would've thought we would have snow in Dallas on December 2nd??

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's December!

The first day of a new month, the last month in 2009, and the start of the Christmas season... Wow! Time is passing! The twins are over 4 months old, the leaves are pretty much gone, and the cold weather is here. Claire helped me hang (and unhang) ornaments on the tree yesterday and the lights outside are almost done.

In their advent calendar this morning, the kids all got "neigh-neighs". Claire has been vigilant about making sure that everyone has their neigh-neighs at all times-- quit laughing at me, Aunt T! I know this is payback!

Monday, November 9, 2009

The twins are 16 weeks old!

My has time passed... I was sitting down to to organize pictures for their scrapbooks, and it was amazing to see where we started 16 weeks ago and look at where they are now.

Asher is rolling over in both directions (although we have not been there to witness it every time). He loves to make eye contact with you and smile, showing off his dimples. He has also started to laugh-- a funny, throaty sound.

Avery rolls from tummy to back pretty easily. His face is so expressive-- esp those eybrows-- and he talks to you, really and truly articulating back to you. I love when he smiles and tucks his chin into his neck creating these delicious rolls. Scott had him laughing the other night on the couch.

And big sister Claire is doing well too. Her latest expression is one of love-- "Baby love Ju-ju" and "Baby love Avery." Shoot, she better say that considering all the harassment she is giving to those 2 in particular...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Can't forget our 4-legged children...

Carly turned 7 years-- not months-- this wknd, and as you can see from the picture, she had a wild, wild party. It still is taking her a bit longer to recover (if she ever will...).

Reese, on the other hand, prefers the low-key activities, such as playing on the twins' play-mat when they aren't using it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall Festival




We went to a fall festival at my friend's church this past wknd. Claire surprisingly wore her Mia costume and the boys went as pumpkins. Claire played some of the games, would not ride a pony, but loved the petting zoo. A & A actually fell asleep in the stroller despite all the noise and activity.

Carly has lost her marbles

It's official-- Carly has lost all of her marbles. I know a lot of you probably can't believe that "Ju-ju is cuckoo", but this picture just goes to prove it...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Twins are 3 months old!

The twins have reached the 3 month mark! Wow! They are stil so sweet and loving! Both are doing well holding up their heads, smiling in response to your face, and even talking back!

We're getting ready for Halloween and trying on our costumes. Here are some pictures of the photo shoot from today. (Big sis was napping.)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The boys

Asher and the GBD (Good brown dog)

Avery and the GBD

Finally! Some time alone with just boys in the family. Our gentle giant, Mr. Reese P. Morrison, made time in his day to pose with his brothers. What a love! Claire has even stated, "Baby ride Reese." Translation: Claire climbs onto Reese's back and bounces. Poor brown pony...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Another trip to the Arboretum

Claire's pumpkin

Avery staying warm

Although this time, it was pretty soggy and cold...

We met up with the Elwarts-- someone actually asked Michele and me if our babes were triplets! Asher, Avery, and Bryce-- what fun that would be!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The kids

I'm on a roll...

We did a photo shoot on the bed this morning. The kids were all in a pretty good mood-- new outfits, fresh clean diapers, full tummies, etc.

Claire plays

Despite the cold, Claire had to be outside this morning with her buddy, Reese, blowing and catching bubbles. Note: Carly is nowhere to be found, the blanket had to be spread smoothly, and Claire is still in her pjs.

These are the awesome moments that I rarely record-- Claire playing with all her toys. She has gotten so independent and creative with them! Her currentscenario is to have mama and baby go to the store to buy bananas.

The Twins are 11 weeks old!



The twins are now 11 weeks old and doing well! Just when I think I have them sorted out (personality wise, schedule wise), they flip-flop on me!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Claire's 2nd Birthday

Claire turned 2 yesterday and had a fun-filled play date at the park with her friends.

Fortunately, the rain held off until 9 pm, so we were able to celebrate with cupcakes and friends.

Our little guys also turned 2 months old officially-- cool birthdates:

Claire, 09/21/07
Twins, 07/21/09

Scott figured that one out. : )

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Da kids...

Avery turning on the charm

Big sis in action

Asher showing his biceps

Here are some quick pics of the kiddos. Claire is @ school, the twins are napping, I am painting my toenails, working on pictures, loving on some pound pups, making mental lists, and Scott is playing on the computer. : )

Life is good!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Asher and Avery are 8 weeks old!

Avery noticing his reflection

Asher giving a grin

Well, I'm a day early, but hey, I have a free minute to sit and get this done! Woohoo!

After 2 wonderful weeks of help from my dear friend, Shannon, we are flying solo. It has been a rainy wk, so the pound pups and Claire have got a severe case of cabin fever.

Asher and Avery are doing well, sleeping from 9 pm- 4am at night and napping during the day. I have started to put them in the crib for naps in their room, and they con't to sleep in the pack and play in our room at night. Diapers con't to be interesting but that will be another post for another time...

Claire goes to MDO!

After much thinking and consideration, we enrolled Claire in a Mother's Day Out Program 2x week at the Heights Baptist Church. I was so excited to find a good, reputable location that still had openings since this was a last minute decision...

She had her 1st day last Thursday and did really well. She loved her new backpack and napmat. Her teacher, Ms. Kelly, said she did really well, including taking a nap with her 7 other classmates.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Almost 6 weeks old...

We went to church today for the first time dressed in our matching blue and white shirts and shorts. What fun!



Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our 1st Outing...

The twins' first day trip was to the Dallas Zoo this week. We had a cool front come thru-- 90 degrees, so we hit the road!

"Why go to the zoo when we live in one?" you ask.

Well, it was an opportunity for us to see how other animals live. ; ) No, all joking aside, we wanted to try out the zoo with the twins. We used our joovy-- the limosuine of all strollers-- and just made a nice morning of it.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Twins are 3 Weeks Old!

Avery, awaiting his bath

Asher, enjoying his bouncer

Claire Elizabeth, ready for church

3 weeks and going strong! We have our occasional hiccups along the way, but the twins continue to eat and sleep and cuddle. Claire is her own spunky self, having fun and always on the go. Her Gran christened her as the Texas Tornado.

Scott's folks are here now and we are very appreciative of 4 more hands to help hold, diaper, and care for the little ones.