Sunday, October 30, 2011


How did I end up with 2/3 of my children loving horses?? Aunt T?!?! Ave and Claire just loved riding the ponies at the Fall Festival. Ash was obviously not thrilled to be on a beast like that. :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Incredible Hail Storm

We were awoken @ am Sunday morning to the most ferocious hail storm I think we have ever seen here in Dallas! It was so intense! Fortunately, the kiddos slept through it and enjoyed playing with it the next morning (Carly too!).

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sick Bay...

Here is a picture of the Infirmary and its patients.

Yes, those are popsicles and yes, they are eating them on my bed...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Happy Birthday, Auntie Meggie!

Auntie Meggie was in Texas for a conference earlier this week and was able to come up to Dallas for the last part of her trip and celebrate her birthday with us! Fun! Despite 3 sick kiddos (croup, fevers) and air transportation issues, we had a nice visit. We made it to Owen's Farm for their pumpkin festival, trekked over to the Dallas Zoo, and made a "horsey" birthday cake.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Things I wish I would've had my camera for...

... but didn't.

Use your imagination and picture these scenarios...

- Monarch butterflies filling the trees @ Huffhines Park on a Friday afternoon en route to Mexico

- Asher locking Avery in Reese's dog crate

- A hawk swooping down and grabbing a blue jay, returning to a limb 5 ft above my head

- Claire, Asher and Avery glowing in the dark in their skeleton pajamas

- Great Twins Panel discussion at our monthly meeting with some terrific speakers and candid advice

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Morning @ Chick-fil-a!

Still not fully recovered from a nasty stomach virus that hit me hard Friday morning, I took the kids to play at Chick-fil-a. Our first stop-- McDonald's-- was closed for renovation; fortunately, I found this out before unstrapping 3 busy bodies. Even though the weather was cool and pleasant, I needed a nice contained area meant no chasing down Avery "The Streak" Morrison. We had the place to ourselves which was a treat. The kids chased each other round and round and then dined on mini hash-browns.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

It takes a village...

(Slide was attached later by Daddy-o!)
(Cleaning house-- literally!)

... to raise children? Or is it children to raise a village? : )

Anyway! These were my "large objects" that a very very very nice man helped me load into the van in 2 trips.