Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall Festival




We went to a fall festival at my friend's church this past wknd. Claire surprisingly wore her Mia costume and the boys went as pumpkins. Claire played some of the games, would not ride a pony, but loved the petting zoo. A & A actually fell asleep in the stroller despite all the noise and activity.

Carly has lost her marbles

It's official-- Carly has lost all of her marbles. I know a lot of you probably can't believe that "Ju-ju is cuckoo", but this picture just goes to prove it...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Twins are 3 months old!

The twins have reached the 3 month mark! Wow! They are stil so sweet and loving! Both are doing well holding up their heads, smiling in response to your face, and even talking back!

We're getting ready for Halloween and trying on our costumes. Here are some pictures of the photo shoot from today. (Big sis was napping.)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The boys

Asher and the GBD (Good brown dog)

Avery and the GBD

Finally! Some time alone with just boys in the family. Our gentle giant, Mr. Reese P. Morrison, made time in his day to pose with his brothers. What a love! Claire has even stated, "Baby ride Reese." Translation: Claire climbs onto Reese's back and bounces. Poor brown pony...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Another trip to the Arboretum

Claire's pumpkin

Avery staying warm

Although this time, it was pretty soggy and cold...

We met up with the Elwarts-- someone actually asked Michele and me if our babes were triplets! Asher, Avery, and Bryce-- what fun that would be!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The kids

I'm on a roll...

We did a photo shoot on the bed this morning. The kids were all in a pretty good mood-- new outfits, fresh clean diapers, full tummies, etc.

Claire plays

Despite the cold, Claire had to be outside this morning with her buddy, Reese, blowing and catching bubbles. Note: Carly is nowhere to be found, the blanket had to be spread smoothly, and Claire is still in her pjs.

These are the awesome moments that I rarely record-- Claire playing with all her toys. She has gotten so independent and creative with them! Her currentscenario is to have mama and baby go to the store to buy bananas.

The Twins are 11 weeks old!



The twins are now 11 weeks old and doing well! Just when I think I have them sorted out (personality wise, schedule wise), they flip-flop on me!
