Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Super Hero Bug Has Bitten!

Just in time for their 4th birthdays, Asher and Avery have started investing in super hero paraphernalia.They still haven't seen any movies/films/visuals, but I think they are infatuated anyway.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Father's Day!

Since we were on the road a week ago, we postponed our celebration till this Sunday. We got Scott a fire pit which turned out to be a bigger project than I anticipated. But alas! It works. He loves it. Success!

There are numerous things wrong with this picture but it so aptly depicts our life right now. Happy. Chaotic. Loving. Busy. Fun. 

Bye bye 13 in"!

For the past 2 years, Claire has wanted short hair. After all the weddings this summer, we honored her request and had her cut. Instead of all those beautiful locks going to waste, we decided to donate her hair. We chose Patene Beautiful Lengths, who partners with the American Cancer Society, and gives away FREE, real hair wigs to women. (Some of the other organizations actually charge recipients $800-$1000 for a wig!)

As her personal sytlist, I stayed calm and collected during the whole process. I was excited for her, making the decision to get her hair cut, but nervous, as any mother would be-- what if she didn't like it? What if it didn't turn out nicely? That was all quickly alleviated with my great hairdresser, Irma, making the cuts. :)

My little girl is growing up. She is making decisions and has an opinion! Love her!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013