Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sisterly Love

Claire and Carly have made peace with one another. They have found a common love-- hiding in Dado's closet amongst the clothes... just don't close the door!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Giddy Up!

I guess that's what happens when you have a Texas baby... she turns into a cowgirl and rides whatever she has access to-- a dog, a wooden horse...

All better!

Kids bounce back so quickly I am learning... 5 days later, Claire's cut has pretty much healed. She got the stitches out this morning (hence the Pebbles hairstyle) and told everyone at the doctor's office, "This, this" and gestured to her forehead.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


What a trooper! Look at this smile! Who would've guess that 12 hours earlier this little turkey was getting stitched up in the ER? Claire took a fall yesterday at the park and smacked right into a pole. Unfortunately, her little forehead split open from the impact. Off we went to Dallas' pediatric ER-- where we sat and sat for a total of 3 hours. Her spirits have been great and she doesn't seem bothered by any pain.