Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Dog-Days of Xmas!

The good brown dog patiently let Avery put on his Santa hat
before settling down for a nice winter's nap.

Where, oh where, is that Santa Claus guy??

Thursday, December 16, 2010

While the cat is away...

... the mice will play! Yes, Ash and Ave took control of Claire's stroller, loaded it with cars and raced around the kitchen with it, chasing each other and laughing. Hysterical!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Santa's Village

We braved the crowds at Santa's Village on Friday night-- the kids had fun and we stayed for only a short time. C is still unsure of going into the houses by herself and doing the activities. She and Ave did write Santa a note and mailed it. Claire and Asher enjoyed an imaginary sleigh ride together-- look who's holding the reins though... : )

Monday, December 6, 2010

Miracles do exist!!

Yes, that is Claire Elizabeth posing with Santa Claus! No photoshop needed on this picture! With the twins, well, it was a different story...

Friday, December 3, 2010

My Kitchen Help

This morning I had a lot to do in the kitchen. Upon request, Claire helped me unwrap Reese's Peanutbutter cups (for ice cream). Ave decided to help and eventually Asher found them. Asher also found my sieves...

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Look at these little monkeys! Yes, Avery is standing on top of the dog food stand... and those are his socks on the floor...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Let the fun with Santa begin!

If this is any indication of how our season with Santa is going to be, we may as well call it quits now! (Note: Claire is not pictured b/c she is clinging to Scott's legs.)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy (early) Thanksgiving!

Claire's school celebrated the holiday with a Thanksgiving program and feast. They sang 2 songs and dined on turkey nuggets, fruit salad, and corn bread.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

All work and no play...

Geez, why do I have to mow the lawn? I can barely walk! Why doesn't anybody else have to?

Life is so unfair!

(Note: No children were harmed in the making of this post.)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy Birthday, Uncle Casey!

Claire was so excited to help Uncle celebrate his birthday (probably more excited than he was!). When she woke up from her nap, she wanted to know if Uncle was here and if it was time to blow out candles. Poor thing had to wait until 6 pm for the birthday festivities

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Cotton Candy

The kids had cotton candy for the first time. We went to Pet Day over at Owen's Farm, and the had all sorts of carnival-like events for the kiddos, not to mention tons of cats and dogs for adoption. (We did not increase our family.)
Believe it or not, Claire was very unsure of it! The twins had not problem with it and wanted more. Fun!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fun Fall Morning

Ave, The Brave

Asher, The Dasher (well, not at the moment)

Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright (Green)

We had a great trip to the Arboretum this morning. The kids all slept till 7 am, so we hit the road, skipped morning nap, and beat the crowds. What fun!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Attention all units-- all Morrisons are mobile!

Repeat-- all Morrisons are mobile! (Well, the ones here in Dallas!) Avery took his first steps at the beginning of the month and within the past 2 days, he has really picked up speed! He even gets up into a standing position on his own! (And heaven forbid you offer help-- he is a BIG BOY now!)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A GREAT day at the Dallas Zoo!

Despite the lioness wanting to eat my babies...

we had an awesome morning at the zoo! The giraffes were right there, waiting to be fed. The chimps were up close and personal. C and the twins played on the elephant statues for a long time. The carousel operator let us ride 3 times in a row. And it was even warm enough to play in the water!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mmm... ribs...

My little carnivores enjoyed a rib dinner last night compliments of Uncle "The Smoker" Casey. Unfortunately, that was the only thing they ate-- no broccoli, mashed potatoes, etc. Oh well. They enjoyed their protein.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Claire is 3!

A few days old...

One year old...

2 years old...

3 years old...

Our baby girl turned 3 yesterday! How she has grown... Each year has been filled with so much fun, change, and love. It just gets better and better!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Spaghetti Night at the Morrisons

I think the pictures say it best... the kids enjoyed the meal immensely and I had super help cleaning it up! Yeah!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A rainy 1st day of school

We tried out the double seat in the shopping cart this morning-- the twins loved it! (Yes, that is rain in the background.)

Claire went to school today! She did really well and even painted 2 pictures. (Not just one like the other little boys...)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

And he's off!

Asher is off and running... well, walking. He is taking 3-4 steps at a time, pausing, and then either sitting or continuing on. He LOVES all of his push toys and will do laps around the house with anything that moves.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cool front = Day trip to Arboretum

With temps only in the 80s this morning, I threw the kiddos in the car and headed to the arboretum-- it's been months since we've been! We got to see the Peter Rabbit houses, feed the koi at the pond, and of course, ride the deer statues.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Twins are 1!!!

Avery a year ago...

Avery now...

Asher a year ago...

Asher now...

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Boys of Summer

Hot, hot, hot! Down to the diapers, shade and sand-- anything we can do to

stay cool out here in Dallas! Whew!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Speaking of dogs...

Our favorite toy-- the dogs' water bowl. Nothing beats a good splash like this! We hope Mommy put fresh clean water in it...

Dog days of summer...

Even Reese said enough with the 100+ degree days...