Monday, March 22, 2010

8 months and 2.5...

Here is a shot of the gang right before dinner. C actually agreed to pose with her brothers but I could not get her to forgo the string...

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Has it been over a month since I wrote? Wow! Time flies! Here are my excuses:

1) The Stomach Flu-- wanna lose a quick 5 pounds? Contract a bug! I spent about 5 days horizontal/hugging the ol' flusher/absoring Carly's magical powers on the bed. Fortunately, it hit on the wknd, fortunately, Scott to take off of work, and fortunately, we have a DVR w/ endless epidsodes of Shaun the Sheep, Wonder Pets, Curious George, Little Einsteins, and Mickey Mouse Club.

2) The Weather-- about 2 weeks ago, beautiful spring temps hit the DFW area. We spent many a day outside, playing in our backyard, walking the circus cart full of kids, visiting parks, etc. Now, much to my surprise, I am awake @ 6 am w/ 3" of snow!!! C'mon! It's SPRING!!!

3) Feeding Hungry Hippos-- the twins LOVE to eat!!! We go through so much baby-food, it's not even funny. I know when Claire was this age, I was only feeding one, but these guys seem to eat for four! I enjoy making their food and we are lucky to belong to such an exotic produce coop (kale? papaya?).

4) Research-- yes, research. well-fed babies=growing babies. Asher outgrew his little bucket car-seat in length (Avery had a longer carseat-- LOVE Graco Safeseat!), so we had to upgrade to the convertible. Fortunately, Target had a nice sale on Graco's My Ride 65's (the reality of having twins hit me when I had to buy2 of the same seat!!!). Swtiching otu the bucket seats also made us switch out my beloved Snap and Go stroller. We also participated in a little research study through UT Southwestern re: cochlear implants and attention.

This doesn't account for everything, but it's a little window into our world. : ) The twins are 8 months old today; Claire is officially 2 1/2...