For about 2 months now, Asher has been OBSESSED with letters. He can identify and say all 26 (OK, so H sounds like S and R is more Ur sounding, but he is consistent!).
Some funny things I hope I can always remember...
- Alphabet books, specficially Alphabet Mystery by Audrey and Don Wood
- Saying, "C, C, C" when his spaghetti noodle fell into the shape of the letter (meanwhile, I'm looking around thinking, "What does he see?")
- Biting into his sandwich and saying, "L", when indeed it made the shape of the letter L.
- Holding up his straw @ lunch and announcing "L" and then turning it upside down and saying "F"
- Reading letters in the newspaper upside at breakfast
- Turning his head and trying to get a better look at letters
- making letter sounds too
- spelling out anything he san see: "A-r-t-s-a-n-d-l-i-f-e."
- demanding letters be written on the sidewalk with chalk