Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Doggies

If Easter bunny ears on a dog aren't funny enough, the expressions on these pound puppies' faces should make you laugh. (Lillian, black Lab, is our new foster girl.)

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The solider and the disciple

The twins participated in the paraliturgy today at church. Asher was a disciple and Avery was a soldier. What hams!

Another volleyball season begins!

Serve receive

The cheerleaders

Mrs. Burnom (their teacher) and the girls

Palm Sunday Vigil

This was our trial run for our Easter outfits for the boys. Claire sang in the choir so she was in uniform black and white and was practicing at church when I took these shots.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Beach find

The kids have become addicted to beach glass! We found it by the handfuls. Our most prized were the orange, two blues, and light turquoise pieces. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

My little early birds...

Every day these guys are up at 6. Sometimes 5:30. But always 6. Trying to make lemonade out of the early hour. Today was the most cloudless it has been. 

Blue dot is where we are. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I am the Lorax!

I speak for the trees!

Sand dollars by the handful!

In addition to having the beach all to ourselves, the Sandollar's are so plentiful! You just reach your hand down and scoop up four or five.The kids made a sanctuary for them and then returned all the creatures to the ocean.

Winnie on a roll

Spunky Big Blue... All unprompted and unsolicited...

Waterfall fun

Ventured out to El Yunque National Forest this morning. Had to take the long way to the entrance since the south was closed due to an avalanche. We hit it right on time and enjoyed all the green and waterfalls. It was surprisingly cool. 

Saturday, March 5, 2016