Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Peach time!

The time to harvest peaches has come! As tempted as we have been to tether one of the pups to the base of the tree to keep the squirrels at bay, we have actually been able to harvest quite a few. Claire is extremely excited about it and enjoys collecting them in the bowl as well as pointing out which ones need to be picked. Avery and Claire have enjoyed eating a few but Asher is not too thrilled with them. Maybe he will receive them better when they are baked in a cobbler... or made into ice cream... or baked in a bread...


Erika said...

make a smoothie! Kai and I LOVE to make fresh fruit smoothies...

K8 said...

Yes!!! I just even discovered these "milkshake" straws that are wider, so we will be set!!!