Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Night Before Their Birthday

When I think back to 2 years ago from last night, I can't help but get all emotional. I was making the cupcakes for the playdate this afternoon at the pool for Ash and Ave, and I started to reminisce about what was going on in life July 20, 2009...

2 years ago, Claire was my only baby. She was 22 months old. I thought I was a busy mom back then. I thought life was challenging.

Then the twins were born and what a blessing they have been! People stop and ask if it's hard having twins-- well, yes, of course, having two babies the same age is definitely more trying than just one. But luckily, I don't know any different.

Because of the boys, I think I have become a better mother, person, and friend. I've been so lucky to have met so many wonderful acquaintances-- through the twins club and elsewhere-- while maintaining relations with others through the years.

Don't get me wrong-- there were some tough days, days of tears and angst, questions and worry. But in the past 730 days, I want to think there were more great than good.

And my, how they have passed.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

love it! I've been so proud of you! You are the BEST mom and such an example of cheerfulness and enjoyment to me!!!! Such cute little boys you have; can't believe they are so darn big already! Hope the day was fabulous!!!