Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Our Big Boys!

We just went to the doctor this morning for the twins 2 year check up. What an ordeal! The boys were not happy to be there initially, but we eventually made it.

Asher weighed in at about 33 lbs. (Due to their turkey nature, I had to get on the scale with them, then subtract my weight-- not once, but twice!). That put him in about the 97th percentile for weight. He measured 37.5" long-- and was actually off the charts! If you double a child's height @ age 2, you get a good estimate of how tall s/he will be full-grown... so... do the math... Ash looks to be 6'3"!!! It's hard to wrap my mind around my big baby being so big!!!

Avery weighed about 29 lbs, which was about 80th percentile-- what growth! Usually Peanut has been in the 25-50th percentiles in height and weight, so this one was a change. He measured 36" even-- a full yard!-- which put him in the 90th percentile. Wow!!! When he reaches adulthood, he should be 6'!

Aren't genetics something?


Erika said...

I looked up Kai's 2 year stats and he was 32 pounds and 36 inches. When I tell him that he'll be taller than me when he grows up, he's in awe...

Now he's 49.5 inches. I'm going to lose the height battle sooner rather than later. ;)

Just remember, no matter how big they get, they'll always fit in your lap. :)

K8 said...

Good point! I just can't believe life will change even more later than it does now... : )